is the direct export platform , that provides a platform for small to medium sized businesses to buy direct from original manufacturers throughout at prices usually available only to large importers. The products include Mobile Phones, GSM Phones, Cell Phones, mp4 player,mp3 player,Car DVD player, Bluetooth, Digital Cameras, Portable DVD Players, Memory Cards.
Mobile Phones, GSM Phones, Cell Phones, mp4 player,mp3 player,Car DVD player, Bluetooth, Digital Cameras, Portable DVD Players and Memory Cards are offered at is a wholesale and dropship website to provide wholesale and drop shipping service all over the world. provides free shipping for world-wide customers with airmail for orders over a certain amount will be shipping by EMS express DHL UPS.
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I ordered something a while ago and it never came and I just forgot about it. It was a few dollars, not a lot.
I also ordered something a month ago that was four dollars and it still hasn’t come.
I think Sourcinggate may be a scam or maybe a part of organized crime. If someone orders something for say 5 dollars and times that by a million. That’s a lot of money, and most people won’t go through the hassle of getting that amount of money back either, it’s not worth it to them.
I’m staying away forever, you should do the same too.