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End Date: 2017-07-05
Hace mes y medio compré una carcasa para mi móvil en esta web. El pedido muy sencillo, pago por PayPal, enviado (según su web) al día siguiente… hasta aquí todo muy bien.
¿Qué pasa cuando un mes después no he recibido mi carcasa ni he sabido nada de la misma? Entro en la página, voy a seguir pedido y, sorpresa, NO SE PUEDE IDENTIFICAR EL NÚMERO DE PEDIDO, cuando pulso el botón track, NO SE PUEDE IDENTIFICAR LA COMPAÑÍA QUE LO LLEVA.
Me pongo en contacto con ellos por medio de una incidencia de ARTÍCULO PERDIDO O EQUIVOCADO y me responden que dónde pone que el pedido tarda 10-20 días laborales, significa 15-40 días naturales.
Hasta ahí, a pesar de ser bastantes más días de los que deben ser y casi convencida de que ese pedido no ha salido de su almacén, decido esperar.
Pasan los días, 45 días exactamente desde que realicé el pedido y sigo sin noticias.
Les he vuelto a escribir exigiéndoles la devolución del importe integro que pagué por la carcasa.
Como comprenderéis, no puedo decir que mi experiencia con esta web sea ni de lejos buena, es más siento que me han estafado y, por ello, dejo constancia de mi experiencia, para evitar que más gente caiga en la misma trampa que he caído yo.
il sito è molto vario e offre dei prezzi interessanti anche se a volte un pò confusi, in quanto lo stesso prodotto lo puoi trovare a 2 prezzi completamente diversi, io una cover per l’ipad l’ho trovata a 47€ e poco dopo sfogliando le pagine l’ho ritrovato la stessa identica, con le stesse foto a 28€….bohhhhhhh !!!!!
Guardando in giro le opinioni sul sito vedo che sono contrastanti, chi benissimo chi malissimo…io purtroppo sono tra i secondi, nel senso che il sito funziona bene, però sono molto vaghi sulla reale possibilità che la dogana italiana ti faccia pagare 30-40€ di dazzi…. ed in tutto il sito non c’è scritto ne indicato (nemmeno in maniera microscopica) che se succede, sono problemi tuoi…
Infatti a me è successo ;-( , 30€ d’acquisto e 29,81 di spese doganali….naturalmente gli ho scritto perchè questa cosa mi sembrava un esagerazione, e dopo 5 gg mi hanno riscritto che quelli sono a carico mio, se voglio posso rifiutare il pacco, ma le spese comunque ups te le fattura, quindi vanno pagate.
Se procedi con il rifiuto della merce il sito ti rimborserà il 50% di quanto acquistato escluso spese di spedizioni.
Secondo me non è un sito affidabile, la natura e l’onestà di un venditore si vede nel momento del problema, no quando le cose vanno bene…..ti faccio notare cmq che tutte le spedizion sono a rischio di verifica doganale, questo significa che sono tutte irregolari, non pagano le ns tasse, poi se sei fortunato passa senza essere controllata, altrimenti ti salassano.
Esperienza personale e opinione altrettanto personale….poi fai te
Må sige jeg sjældent bliver rasende på onlineshops, men at jeg nu har ventet i 18 dage uden mine ting er blevet sendt finder jeg utilgiveligt. Bestilte vare der kunne sendes inden 24 timer, men sådan skulle det ik blive.
Beware of thieves! miniinthebox.com is stealing your money! I paid €450 – received wrong items, they don’t reply and don’t care!!!
I paid 372,52€ to miniinthebox.com for 8 LED ceiling bulbs (beginning of February). They sent me 7 bulbs – 4 of which are the wrong ones. I repeat: not what I paid for, not what I ordered! Yet I had to pay another €87 for customs. But the worst part is yet to come: they don’t reply nor care about what I am emailing them: at first they told me I had to send them photos, details, etc. of the products – a question which I followed of course. Nothing after that – I have sent them an incredible number of 11 (!!!!) emails within the last 8 weeks – no reply. (mid April!)
However, when I told them 2 days ago that I was going to complain on as many review pages as I found, they answered they I should be patient in waiting. Nothing else. I feel truly deceived and disappointed. Keep your fingers from miniinthebox.com. They steal your money – if you have a problem, they don’t bother to help. Now I am here with the wrong light bulbs and paid more than €450 (!!!) for them. What a shame and a waste of money! I wish I had read reviews like that before!
And to Miniinthebox.com: only when I either get my money back or get the correct products shipped to me I will take down this comment.
Untrustable site.
I bought some led lights and a video capture card, but I canceled immediately as I realize I will have to face very expensive customs charges. Them I was offered a discount coupon and a 50% rebate in case I had customs charges if I accepted de deal.
I did, and sent them the customs charges bill as I received the package.
Them they forgot about everything they have offered me, and I have not received any replay to may numerous complaints.
The customer service is simply a cheating machine, and once they get the money they forget about you.
Besides some lights just didn´t work and the video capture card doesn’t work ider.
“great Value” as you can see.
Bought a wii-remote from them… it didtn work. what a piece of crap. I know its now high quality goods, but they should atleast work…
Un petit review de quelques coques achetées sur miniinthebox, les infos concernant le prix et les délais de livraisons sont vers la fin de la vidéo.
I purchased a remote and nunchuk controller from Mininthebox.com. The price is amazing and is EXACTLY the same as the remotes you buy for €45 in the shops.Shipping took 12 days to Ireland which is very good from China because I have often bought off ebay and the item wouldn’t arrive for 3 weeks! have went on and bought many other items from Mininthebox.com.
Purchased a watch online which then failed within weeks. Now they say it cannot be returned or repaired or replaced as it is out of warranty!
This site is rubbish i ordered off this website 22 days ago and it says delivery time 10 to 20 days.
I love buying on this site miniinthebox.com. I recently bought a wii remote and steering wheel and I use it almost every day! And it works GOOD!!