1/5   (based on 2 user reviews)

DealsMachine.com offers cell phones, tablet PCs, mobile accessories, car electronics, LED lights & cool gadgets, etc.

Dealsmachine.com is a global online store specializing in the very latest in innovative gadgets, cool tech, cell phones, tablet PCs, Apple accessories and much more. As an international online store and professional wholesaler since 2006, DealsMachine provides the very best in high quality consumer electronics and other products including cheap Android phones and Android tablets, the latest accessories for mobiles and tablets, hobbies and toys, watches, outdoor and sports equipment, and household items.

Contact Information:

Address: N/A

Tel: +1-530-419-5986; +44-2895680171

Payment Methods: PayPal, Wire Transfer, Western Union

Shipping Methods: DHL, EMS, UPS, China Post

Domain Name Register Date: 2014-05-13

This store used the domain ahappydeal.com in the past. You can read the old ahappydeal.com reviews here.
Coupon Code:
Get 10% Off for All Regular Priced Items at Dealsmachine.com
End Date: 2016-12-31

All Customer Reviews (4)

  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by Misha on November 5, 2015 #

    This is my eighth written ticket attempt to get this resolved. I have had enough of this runaround by these crooks!!

    I have tried many times to get this resolved. I am very unhappy with this process. I have bought many items from you in the past.The one time I need to return something you appear to have decided to cheat me. I sent back the product, provided the number of the package, followed your instructions.When I requested to purchase the item again at an offered discount I was told the item was not in stock.Apparently that was a lie, I ordered one from the site and it arrived quickly as I paid for quick shipping. At the very least you should have refunded the difference in that price. All I get is further delays and nonsense requests for information. Why will you not honor your printed policy? I returned the product requested a replacement. Simple. I write reviews for another industry for my blog. If I get another request for more information that you already have in triplicate I will begin writing bad reviews on your site.They will be posted in social media, and top review sites throughout the web. DD1506260918200262 here is my order number again. You may check the many tickets on this for any information you may require.Here is the number for the replacement order DD1508310905169376. I will not tolerate anymore delays.

    • Replied by Dealsmachine Customer Service on May 5, 2016 #

      Dear Misha,
      Thank you for take your time to write this review.
      We apologize for any issue that had been caused.
      This issue had been reviewed by us and we had tried to contacted you but didn’t received your reply.
      Please keep communication with us at your support ticket.
      Thank you very much for your support.
      Best Regards
      Dealsmachine Customer Service

  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by Herman Williams on September 16, 2015 #

    Don’t remember my order number. However I purchased a cell phone from deals machine and the battery would not keep charge to make it worst the battery just swelled up after a week or so. I am not able to use the phone. I tried to reach customer service on many occasion. When I did they sent me a link which disappeared before I could take action.

    • Replied by Dealsmachine Customer Service on May 5, 2016 #

      Dear Herman,
      Thank you for your recent review.
      We apologize for any issue that had been caused.
      Please provide us your order number in your account or contact us at https://support.dealsmachine.com/faq/index/index?lang=en.
      We will help you to figure out this issue after that.
      Thank you for your cooperation.
      Best Regards
      Dealsmachine Customer Service

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