2.59/5   (based on 17 user reviews)

Merimobiles.com offers Chinese mobile phones, Android tablet PC, apple accessories, China electronics, car electronics, home and garden products, etc.

We provide same day Shipping if you order by 12 pm UK time. Shope range of branded China mobiles and tablets at low price. Shop Now. Merimobiles is renowned online seller of discounted price china mobiles and accessries.
End Date: 2016-12-01

All Customer Reviews (23)

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  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by Francisco Sabalete on May 28, 2015 #

    Unos estafadores. Me envían un smartphone roto y a pesar de que en su página anuncian la devolución total del dinero no lo hacen. Se inventan una rotura de pantalla para evitar pagar.
    Swindlers . I sent a broken smartphone and although on its website announcing the full refund do not. A broken screen are invented to avoid paying .

  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by gerardo ramirez salinas on May 8, 2014 #

    “beware merimobiles return service!! i received a wrong cheap phone, so i returned back to their warehouse, they received it in 7 of febreaury of 2014. now is 8 of may and still no have response from merimobiles, the tech department and online chat only answer with “will we do a follow up so you will get a response in a few hours” and NO a real solution to my problem. i got screen captures to prove the problem.”

  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by Esteban on March 17, 2014 #

    Sres. Merimobiles

    El dia de Hoy 13MAR2014 me acerque a las instalaciones de Webster Union y NO HE PODIDO RECUPERAR MI DINERO porque Webster Union me informa que ustedes MeriMobiles.com ya cobraron el dinero… segun lo muestra el documento que Ellos, Webster Union me entregaron (el documento esta adjunto al presente correo) en circulo amarillo indica el dia y la persona que cobro el dinero… el dia 10ENE2014 fue cobrado por el señor JING WEN… por eso Webster Union NO ME HA DEVUELTO DINERO ALGUNO.

    El dia 10ENE2014 YO CANCELE la orden del celular a traves del CHAT de su empresa y luego a traves de correo electronico… primero a traves del CHAT de su pagina Web les indique que ya habia hecho el deposito por el celular y les pedi que porfavor me remitieran el celular lo mas rapido posible… recuerdo que me pidieron el numero de MTCN (yo se los proporcione) y luego me indicaron que mi pedido devia ser enviado por DHL y eso me costaria unos US$ 60 dolares mas…. por esa razon cancele mi pedido, primero a traves del CHAT de su pagina Web y luego a traves del correo electronico… ese mismo dia 10ENE2014 a traves de correo electronico ustedes (MeriMobiles.com) me indicaron que coordine con Webster Union para la devolucion de mi dinero…. al dia siguiente 11ENE2014 me acerque a las instalaciones de Webster Union a RECUPERAR MI DINERO, me indicaron que les proporcionara el MTCN de mi deposito y ellos me CONFIRMARON que el dinero ya habia sido cobrado en China… Presente la queja correspondiente y Webster Union, me indico que en el lapso de una semana me estarian remitiendo a mi correo electronico el Registro del Movimiento Historico de mi deposito, el cual incluia el dia que fue retirado, el pais y porsupuesto la persona que cobro el dinero…. Al final Webster Union se demoro mas de 1 mes en remitirme este reporte que es el mismo que les estoy adjuntando al correo electronico.

    ¿Que quiere decir esto?…. ¿Webster Union se quedo con el dinero?…. porfavor les rogaria que su empresa investigue si el dia 10ENE2014 ingreso dinero a su empresa a nombre de Esteban Tuero V… porfavor les ruego esto, ya que les vuelvo a reiterar WEBSTER UNION me indica que no puede devolverme dinero alguno, porque el dinero ya fue cobrado por el señor JING WEN el dia 10ENE2014… motivo por el cual les ruego me DEVUELVAN MI DINERO o en su defecto me remitan el celular solicitado como en un principio se acordo :

    Pantech VEGA N6 A860S 5.9 inch IPS Screen Android4.1 1.5GHz Quad-core LTE Smartphone, Black Color, 32GB … My order ID is #67062 in the amount of $353.91 USD…. Please let me know when I send my Cell … I ask in my order quickly.

    My name is : Esteban
    Last Name: Tuero V.
    Address: Av Miguel C****/ Lima, Lima 36 / Peru
    Phone: 9*******

    Sres. MeriMobiles les ruego atender lo solicitado ya que como pueden apreciar, mi malestar es grande ya que han pasado cerca de 2 meses sin que mi caso se halla resuelto… por el bien de la imagen de su empresa y por mi satisfacccion como cliente por un buen servicio brindado… les solicito tengan a bien acceder a lo requerido por mi persona.

    Esteban Tuero V.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by ATHANASIOS KALOYTSAS on January 16, 2014 #

    Finally Merimobiles is proved to be a trusted dealer and I wrong to post this bad review because this company refunded my credit card with all the amount I paid. They have send me a $250 refund and today it appeared on my credit card statement.
    So this review is not correct because Merimobiles refunded me and I haven’t lost a penny from them.
    I was overreacted and wrote this post about them and in the end I’m the one that I was wrong.
    So ignore the rest of this post because in the end I lost nothing from this company and its my fault that I posted this bad review out of fear to lose my money
    Note that Merimobiles is a trusted dealer and you will never lose a penny with them.
    Just ingnore the rest post because its not correct. Thank you.

  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by Mikeanywhere on January 15, 2014 #

    “I bought a phone from Merimobiles.com over 2 weeks ago. Having placed the order I inquired about the status of my order. I was then told that they didn’t have the phone in stock. I asked for a refund and was persuaded to wait a couple of days to see if the phone could be sourced. After 2 days of waiting I asked for an update, and was told that the phone was in stock, but that my card needed to be verified. So, the next day I gave them my number to verify on, low and behold, no phone call. Talking to them on their live chat system, I was told that the phone was out of stock. (“It’s a hot selling phone”, I was told…hmmmm….).

    Accepting the dubious claim I asked for a refund. It has been over two weeks since I ordered a phone I believe they never actually had in stock, and I still don’t have a phone, or a refund. It’s frustrating because the money I have tied up with them is to be used to replace my non functioning phone.

    The bottom line to this review is to warn that they sell phones they don’t actually have. While I appreciate that it can be risky to buy lots of stock that may turn out to be unsellable in a months time, I find the lies and length of time it has taken for a refund entirely unacceptable.

    Customer service can be hit and miss. Sometimes I’d speak to a helpful agent, other times I’d get lies.

    BUYER BEWARE, if you don’t have enough disposable cash to cover waiting absolutely ages to be refunded for a transaction that never should have taken place, avoid this store.

    I’ll be posting this on all the review sites I can find.

    Kind regards,


  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Jacksone on December 19, 2013 #

    I bought the HTC One, they did call me to confirm the purchase which i though was unusual, I did get the item within 2 weeks with the express shipping method , I love the phone, Great shop, will buy again

  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by Sergay on November 24, 2013 #

    I ordered a cell phone with free shipping at merimobiles and thought wait 3 weeks is not so bad. but there are already 6 weeks passed and the phone is still not at my home. I’m sad

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by aian on September 16, 2013 #

    Very satisfied with my purchase. I was recommended to them through a friend who has made mutiple successful purchases from Merimobiles. My Transaction with them went smoothly. I will definitely recommend it to my friends too.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by jasmine on September 16, 2013 #

    At first I was not happy with this shop as one of the lightbulbs I ordered was defective they were quick enough to send me a replacement. Kudoos

    • Replied by admin on September 16, 2013 #

      Note: The reviewer jasmine uses a China IP address.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Georg Marondel on September 16, 2013 #

    Hi there!I’m George.I recently purchased from Merimobiles.com.It’s sad to read these negative reviews because my experience is actually far opposite.Thought I might share it here because I know they deserve it. So I ordered a tablet last Sep. 8 and it was shipped on 9th. Before I found their website, I bumped into many phone stores but what settles me to this store is their chat support. Inquiry emails takes forever but with this website, I can actually talk to a real person within 20 seconds.That’s an excellent service right there I’m telling you. Before ordering, I actually contacted their chat support to ask about specs and specific feature I’m looking for in a tablet.I love that their chat support team is really tech oriented so he suggested some of their tablets which will be of my liking.That time, I talked to Jay by the way(chat rep).It was hard choosing in one of tablet so I didn’t buy impronto.

    Later that night (super late at night), I finally have chosen a tablet but I had to ask one final question before I give it a go.Crossing my fingers,I was hoping that I could talk to someone that time since I don’t want to send an email and delay another day.Luckily for me, there really is someone!Didn’t know they actually have 24/7 chat support so that’s really a plus.He or she was really helpful.Didn’t ask for the name, but thank you whoever you are.So at that night I ordered with their fastest shipping method,DHL with tracking number 2296220813.And in just few days, on Sept. 11, I received my order and could never be happier with their service!

    I know this may sound surreal to those who have left a negative experience here (and I feel for you,sorry to hear that) but this is the experience I happily share with you. Things do happen and sometimes it’s out of our hands but I’m glad to be one of their happy customer.I would gladly buy again in this website.I don’t think their scam and all since I receive my item safely.And I don’t think they will spend 24/7 chat support if they’re just joking around.My point being is, I’m a happy customer and you be the judge.Thanks and have a good day everyone!Peace and love to all.

  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by Sunnydharm on August 13, 2013 #

    Merimobiles.com a Fraud Company Scam Website

    Hello Everybody!
    I want to bring this in your knowledge the experience i got after making my order at this scam website MeriMobiles.com .

    On 2nd August, 2013 i have made an order #54677 for the phone iNEW i6000 2G/ 32G White color here is the link ( http://www.merimobiles.com/inew-i6000-mtk6589t-1-5ghz-quad-core-6-5-inch-with-android-4-2-1-full-hd-1920-1080-32gb-rom-wcdma-gsm-3g-smartphone_p/meri7581.htm ). Before making my order i chatted in online chat on their website http://www.merimobiles.com . And in online chat they confirmed me that this phone is available in their stock. They confirmed me two times. I made my order and paid USD $367.90 for this phone. The phone had to deliver to me on 8th August as i have also chosen DHL shipping.

    On 4th August, 2013 i got an email from the company that the phone is not in their stock. It was a big disappointment for me because i made this order after their confirmation. So i asked them when it would be available? And next day they replied me it will take time.

    I had only two options is either cancel my order immediately or choose any other phone to close this deal. So i visited their website and seen this phone UMI X2 2g/32g ( http://www.merimobiles.com/umi-x2-android4-2-mt6589t-1-5ghz-quad-core-dual-sim-5-inch-full-hd-1080p_p/meri7334.htm ).

    Next day they replied me that this phone is also not in their stock. So same moment i cancelled my order and asked them to refund my full payment immediately to my Paypal account. Besides this to cross check i went to their website and chatted online to enquire this phone availability that they told me is not in their stock. And as expected in online chat they confirmed me three times that this phone is in their stock.

    So it was absolutely very clear that this company is misleading their customers to make order of such products they have not in their stock since long. And after payment customers find himself in such a situation is to choose unwanted other products from their store or waits for weeks and months.

    Merimobiles.com is working as scam website and misleading peoples to make orders of the products they don’t have.

    I cancelled my order on 6th August and told them to refund my full amount immediately.

    On 7th August they mailed me that they need 72 hours to process my refund. 72 HOURS FOR REFUND through Paypal? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Paypal takes minutes or you can say seconds to process they payment.

    Anyhow I gave them 72 hours and they had to make the payment before 10th August. But Merimobiles.com hadn’t paid me until 12th August when i went to Paypal website and opened a Dispute at Paypal Resolution Center.

    And surprisingly minutes after i opened the dispute at paypal they replied to me in mail and also in few minutes they refunded my whole amount. Thanks to PAYPAL but Shame on Merimobiles.com you were waiting for this?

    Three times i warned merimobiles.com that i am serious do not take me lightly. But you delayed me by emails and wasted my 10 days. I will post this experience everywhere. And also will bring this into the notice of PAYPAL, MONEY BOOKERS, ICANN, CHINA CYBER CRIME. Because you guys need a good lessons for the CHEAP practicing, the cheap ways you are cheating peoples.

    There are no NEGATIVE marking on this website else i will give this company rank in negative numbers.

    Here is the online CHAT HISTORY. Read this guys

    CHAT HISTORY dated 7th August, 2013 ( Merimobiles.com )

    i have an enquiry

    Jacqueline: hello

    how may i help you today?

    do you have this phone umi x2 ? 2GB RAM + 32GB ROM white color?


    Jacqueline: yes it is in stock

    kindly refer to thew link


    white color is only avaiable

    I have asked the mobile phone not the flip case

    do you have this phone umi x2 ? 2GB RAM + 32GB ROM white color? http://www.merimobiles.com/umi-x2-android4-2-mt6589t-1-5ghz-quad-core-dual-sim-5-inch-full-hd-1080p_p/meri7334.htm

    Jacqueline: soory


    wrong url

    yes i am asking this phone

    is this phone available in your stock?

    UMI X2 2GB RAM + 32GB ROM white color?

    Jacqueline: yes

    you have it in your stock?

    Jacqueline: sir how many times do i need to say that YES we have it in stock

    Okay thank you

    Thanks for your reply

    Jacqueline: you are welcome



    Merimobiles.com lies and never never never make any order to this website. I hope paypal and other authorities will take action on this website and close their all accounts and good if they BAN this website. Atleast other peoples will be safe from this fraud company.

    Need any proof of my mails with merimobiles.com do write to me.

    • Replied by Merimobiles Jay on September 12, 2013 #

      Hi I am Jay, Service Team Manager at Merimobiles. First thank you for taking the time to post a review.

      At the time of the order, the item ordered by the Dharmendra Kumar was on Preorder status. The Item Dharmendra Kumar tried to replace it with sold out faster than expected. This is our error we apologize for the inconvenience. We have put new measures in place to ensure that this process is improved on future orders.

      Thank you

      Merimobiles Service Team Manager

  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by Kalgan on April 24, 2013 #

    I had placed an order with Merimobiles for a tablet last Oct’2012.
    Had make the payment but till today i had not received the ordered item.

    Everytime i check with Merimobiles, they say they had shipped the item to me and requested me to check with the local post office. And when i check with the local post, they say that they had returned the item to the shipper according to the shipping regulations. After three occassions of to and fro, from China to Singapore and vice versa, I had to request Mr Stone of Merimobiles to recheck the address on the parcel. he came back to me apologising on their mistake of not including the unit number of the address and assured me tat he will re-shipped the item to me. after waiting for another month of no news.

    i contacted the service chat line and enqired on the outcome and the customer officer, Jacquline told me apparently a note was placed on my order requesting to pay additional DHL freight charges which i flatly refused and requested for a refund which was in early April and then again no news. i then call the chatline and spoke to Jacquline Who happen to be on duty, and guess what she wrote on the chatline.. “sorry for the inconvenience, iI’ll had it check.” and let the chatline as it is…

    • Replied by Merimobiles Jay on September 12, 2013 #

      Hi I am Jay I am the service Team Manager at Merimobiles.com
      First I want to say thank you for taking the time to share your experience, we take it seriously.

      I would need your order# to be able to assist you with your case.

      1 Things is for sure is that since the date you place this review we have taken several steps to improve our service in every step of the way.

      -We now offer 24/7 live chat and have a good team of Reps answering all queries in a timely manner
      -If an items becomes “Sold Out” While the order is placed we ensure that you get notified fast
      -We double check all items prior to shipping to ensure that you get your items in perfect condition
      -We offer one of the best return policy in our industry in the event that an issue is to arise
      -We have a good return policy in place in the event that an issue is to arise

      Our Team works hard around the clock with your one thing in mind, improving the customer experience at all times, if you have any concerns please feel free to contact us at any time, your input is well appreciated

      thank you

      Merimobiles Service Team Manager

  • 2/5
    (2/5) Reviewed by saysolly on March 18, 2013 #

    I purchased both my tablets from merimibiles.com about 3 days apart.At first, customer service seemed to be quite good, every time I called, they’ll pick up and I was.able to talk with a guy name John.

    It took about 1 1/1 weeks for my first purchase to get shipped, or at least they say it is. Tracking number does not work, and even I did get it to work, it showed that the item has been in China stool for over a week without any advancement! I called back to ask about my Pipo M9 on why it.STILL had not been shipped yet and was only told that they don’t know why but they are looking into it. I asked to get my package shipped expressed through dhl if possible and they..said okay, it will be a $33′.00 charge, and I paid it to their paypal account?.

    I was told that it will get shipped that same night and I shall receive it in 3-6 days”.

    I did not get any tracking number sent to me, my shipping status did not get changed on their website and I’ve been trying to contact them for over r days now, through emails, phone calls, leaving voicemails, but no responds?.I am giving them a few more days to get their acts together and tell me wtf is going on with my purchase order, otherwise I’ll be contacting paypal to reverse those transactions.

    • Replied by Merimobiles Jay on September 12, 2013 #

      Hi I am Jay I am the service Team Manager at Merimobiles.com
      First I want to say thank you for taking the time to share your experience, we take it seriously.

      Please provide us with your order # and name so that we can help you get this resolved.

      We Sincerely apologize for not meeting your expectations, we’ve sinc e taken steps to improve the speed of the service.
      We now offer 24/7 Live Chat, we have a new team of operators to help insure that all inquires are answered fast.

      Thank you

      Merimobiles Service Team Manager

  • 3/5
    (3/5) Reviewed by ediacup on March 17, 2013 #

    I purchased a Ramos W42 from MM on March 6th. I received no notification on shipment or availability. After chats with them I was promised it would be shipped on the 11th. It was not, so on the 12th I cancelled the order, asking for a refund. I was told I should see it within 48 hours.

    I finally got the refund today after another chat session. MM apparently issued the request to Paypal as a deposit, and not a refund. This made Paypal issue a fee of just under 10.00.

    Paypal did reverse the fee. Still MM was not very prompt at all in taking care of this, and I feel that if I had not stayed on them ..they would still have my funds tied up.

    Need to work on your service …Merimobiles.

    • Replied by Merimobiles Jay on September 12, 2013 #

      Hi I am Jay I am the service Team Manager at Merimobiles.com
      First I want to say thank you for taking the time to share your experience, we take it seriously.

      I would need your order# to be able to assist you with your case.

      1 Things is for sure is that since the date you place this review we have taken several steps to improve our service in every step of the way.

      -We now offer 24/7 live chat and have a good team of Reps answering all queries in a timely manner
      -If an items becomes “Sold Out” While the order is placed we ensure that you get notified fast
      -We double check all items prior to shipping to ensure that you get your items in perfect condition
      -We offer one of the best return policy in our industry in the event that an issue is to arise
      -We have a good return policy in place in the event that an issue is to arise

      Our Team works hard around the clock with your one thing in mind, improving the customer experience at all times, if you have any concerns please feel free to contact us at any time, your input is well appreciated

      thank you

      Merimobiles Service Team Manager

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Alexandre TheMask on December 15, 2012 #

    Definetly my coolest and best experience online that i had ever. I bought serveral times in Merimobiles, and they ever gave me quality, attention, and respect. The best prices that i had seen, fast ship and after sell is perfect. They have a faithfull customer, it´s right! Thank you Merimobiles!

    • Replied by Merimobiles Jay on September 12, 2013 #

      Hi I am Jay I am the service Team Manager at Merimobiles.com
      First I want to say thank you for taking the time to share your experience.

      Merimobiles Service Team Manager

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