4.9/5   (based on 2124 user reviews)

GearBest.com offers cool gadgets, cell phones, tablet pcs, computers, electronics and men’s clothing, etc.

GearBest is more than just a shopping site, it’s designed for gadget lovers by gadget lovers. GearBest.com offers cool gadgets and electronics including cell phones, tablet PCs, mobile accessories like power banks, cell phone cases, bluetooth keyboards, projectors, memory cards, car GPSs, car DVRs, LED lights, flashlights, MP3 & MP4 players, headsets, IP cameras, action toys, radio control toys, animation figures, as well as the latest men’s fashion products including jackets, hoodies, shirts, t-shirts, watches, etc.

Contact Information:

Address: N/A

Tel: +1-899-138-0318

Payment Methods: PayPal, Credit Card

Shipping Methods: DHL, EMS, FedEx

Domain Name Register Date: 2013-12-16

Coupon Code:
Grab the coupon "SMALLTOYS", enjoy 15% off for all small toy @GearBest, 500 times limited, ends on Oct.31.2017.
End Date: 2017-10-30

All Customer Reviews (2,136)

1 26 27 28 29 30 142
  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Andrea G on April 23, 2017 #

    The item has been delivered fast with Italy Express (within 2 weeks, corrier BRT) and the item (Xiaomi Headphones Hybrid Pro) have an amazing sound quality for that cheap price. The item came in the original box inside an air bubble envelopes to protect it from scratches.

    I bought 15 items on gearbest.com and I have never had any problems, so that’s why I recommend it.

    Ho comprato degli auricolari Xiaomi (Hybrid Pro Triple Drivers) e li ho ricevuti velocemente con spedizione Italy Express (ricevuti entro 2 settimane, consegnati con corriere BRT).

    Gli auricolari sono originali Xiaomi e hanno una qualità del suono eccezionale per questo prezzo economico.

    Mi sono arrivate nella confezione originale inserite in una busta a bolle d’aria per proteggerle da graffi e urti durante la spedizione.

    Ho comprato 15 oggetti da gearbest.com e non ho avuto problemi di alcun genere, per questo consiglio di comprare da questo sito.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Husain on April 23, 2017 #

    to be fair i never got a problems with Gearbest
    for any orders plus they have excellent service.
    low price and the item are good

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Oleksandr Davydiuk on April 23, 2017 #

    About 3 months ago I did my first order on Gearbest W1702091200235290. I bought the Skilhunt H03 LED Headlamp. The price was cheaper for about 20 dollars then in other stores. In a 2 weeks (which is very fast for Ukraine) I got my headlamp. It is original and works good. Use it for fishing, hiking and jobbing. I am impressed of product quality and gearbest service, can recomend this shop.

  • 4/5
    (4/5) Reviewed by SergeyD on April 23, 2017 #

    I have great shopping experience in online shops including at gearbest. Orders always come within 25 days. A couple of times was lining with product availability, but these problems were quickly solved by tech support. I ordered the cheap goods ( > 1$) and expensive (> 100$ – xiaomi action camera).

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by edith miriam pereyra canaval on April 22, 2017 #

    Tenia mucho miedo al comprar por internet pero me anime y realize mi primer pedido por GearBest, el pedido llego antes de lo que esperaba, llego en menos de 3 semanas estaba en mis manos, los productos llegaron en buen estado, estos venian envueltos en un plastico proteector, los productos acorde con la descripciòn muy satisfecho con mi compra.
    El producto que compre fue una Original Elephone ELE Explorer 4K Ultra HD WiFi Action Camera y unos Oximetros.
    Realmente muy feliz por mi compra.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Jon on April 22, 2017 #

    My experience with Gearbest has been so far more than fantastic. Fantastic prices, good quality and excelent support. I had a small issue with one of my orders (Xiaomi phone) but I contacted the client support and they managed to send me a new item with no extra cost. They have excelent prices and nice gadgets with superior quality. I recomend it a lot.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Adriano Lacôrte on April 22, 2017 #

    Comfortable, great sound volume, good bass and treble recognition

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Adriano Lacôrte on April 22, 2017 #

    Great product.
    Same as photo, and has a great material. Well done and well finished

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Luca Borghesi on April 22, 2017 #

    Ho fatto più di 30 ordini da Gearbest ed è sempre arrivato tutto. Gli oggetti sono di buona qualità e costano poco rispetto ad altri store. Continuerò a comprare perché sono molto soddisfatto! E in caso di problemi, risolvono tutto alla grande rispondendo in poco tempo! Consigliatissimo 5 stelle!

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by ucrarg1909 on April 22, 2017 #

    La experiencia con GearBest fue muy buena, ya llevo muchas compras, todas llegaron en tiempo estipulado, muy buen packaging, los precios son muy buenos, siempre estuvieron para resolver algun que otro inconveniente, no tengo quejas algunas y seguire comprando alli

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Raicu Vlad on April 22, 2017 #

    The best online store for gadgets and more! I bought a smartphone from this store,arrived but damaged. Gaerbest refunds my money back. Love this cool store! Buy with peace of mind.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Giovanni on April 22, 2017 #

    Ottimo prodotto! Funziona perfettamente con cavi ethernet e rj45 indicando eventuali pin non connessi o invertiti.
    Funziona con una batteria a 9V ed è composto di due componenti: un trasmettitore ed un ricevitore composti da LED che accendono simultaneamente qualora il cavo sia correttamente intestato.

    Perfetto e pratico

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Tiago Cruz on April 22, 2017 #

    Good Morning
    I already made several orders of the gearbest and always received the orders in the estimated time and when I had a problem they will solve the problem fast and always very good to talk with the customers.
    The prices are fantastic and have a lot of variety of products.

  • 4/5
    (4/5) Reviewed by Otal on April 22, 2017 #

    Hello my frist order from gearbest was a elephone Paris and a small drone (order w1602181202151539)
    At frist I was a little afraid because I never bought nothing from any online store but I honestly can say since that date 2\2016 I have bought many others things. Some times there we’re problems but always gearbest solved the situation. With the refund of the money or with compensations. The best thing to show my satisfaction is since that date i buy my gadget from gearbest

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by mohamed on April 21, 2017 #

    I bought him almost $ 375
    All the products are excellent and the shipping is fast,The longest shipping time is 25 days Excellent customer service.
    The system of bonuses is excellent
    Highly recommended for their trusty products, prices and excellent service.

1 26 27 28 29 30 142

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