GearBest is more than just a shopping site, it’s designed for gadget lovers by gadget lovers. offers cool gadgets and electronics including cell phones, tablet PCs, mobile accessories like power banks, cell phone cases, bluetooth keyboards, projectors, memory cards, car GPSs, car DVRs, LED lights, flashlights, MP3 & MP4 players, headsets, IP cameras, action toys, radio control toys, animation figures, as well as the latest men’s fashion products including jackets, hoodies, shirts, t-shirts, watches, etc.
Contact Information:
Address: N/A
Tel: +1-899-138-0318
Payment Methods: PayPal, Credit Card
Shipping Methods: DHL, EMS, FedEx
Domain Name Register Date: 2013-12-16
high quality blade! no chinese quality! very high!
nothing to say!
i love gearbeste I buy everything on gearbest, i never have one issue.
they have everything!
shiping perfect quality perfect price!
support perfect! i really like buying stuff on gearbest!
I mostly buy stuff to try out from Gearbest. The pricing is competitive, and the review for the product are abutment on most product. However, shipping is about a month, so if you need something in a few days then look somewhere else.
Some of the description for the product are bad. For example, I bought a sound activated light bulb and now where in the description where it said that it only turn on and can’t be turn off with a second clap.
Gearbest give you point that goes to your next purchase. Great. But the downside is the you can not use the full amount and get an item for free.
I would said that the customer service is excellent.
In all
– read the product review
– you can only use a part of your point on something
– customer service is decent
– shipping is a month slow.
– free or low shipping
high quality 510 holder
nothing to say!
i love gearbeste I buy everything on gearbest, i never have one issue.
they have everything!
shiping perfect quality perfect price!
support perfect! i really like buying stuff on gearbest!
high quality case cover!
i love gearbeste I buy everything on gearbest, i never have one issue.
they have everything!
shiping perfect quality perfect price!
support perfect! i really like buying stuff on gearbest!
thks gearbest!
i love gearbesteI buy everything on gearbest, i never have one issue.
they have everything!
shiping perfect quality perfect price!
support perfect! i really like buying stuff on gearbest!
thks gearbest!
i love gearbesteI buy everything on gearbest, i never have one issue.
they have everything!
shiping perfect
quality perfect
support perfect!
i really like buying stuff on gearbest!
I buy everything on gearbest, i never have one issue.
shiping perfect quality perfect
price! support perfect!
i really like buying stuff on gearbest!
Сделал свой первый заказ на GearBest в ноябре 2016 г. и с тех пор эта торговая площадка стала для меня приоритетной среди китайских интернет магазинов.Во-первых,широкий ассортимент,все китайские бренды представлены здесь в полном объеме.Во-вторых, одни из самых низких цен среди китайских магазинов.Кроме того постоянные акции и возможность приобрести товар по специальной цене по промокодам.И еще возможность съэкономить до 30% от стоимости с поинтами,которые начисляют за обзоры купленных товаров.В-третьих,очень приличное качество.Покупая брендовые товары,уверен, что не пришлют подделку.В-четвертых, обзоры покупателей не модерируются и можно получить объективную характеристику товара,что помогает сделать правильный выбор при покупке.
Помимо всего выше сказанного очень быстрая доставка.Заказывал перед Новым годом дочери в подарок блютус колонку Xiaomi. Дошло менее чем за 3 недели.И это в канун Нового года,Карл!Дочь была счастлива.
Рекомендую этот магазин всем , он один из лучших.
I buy everything on gearbest, i never have one issue.
shiping perfect
quality perfect
support perfect!
i really like buying stuff on gearbest!
Hello, i’m an italian with the hobby of ecig and vapor mod. I found gearbest few months ago trought a facebook group and i saw best price ever on these products. I tried to buy few items, delivery was faster than my expectation , like 8/10 days for Italy. The products came in perfect status and a very good packaging. The eshop has good sales and promotion and give you GB Point every buy that you can use for future orders. All was going perfect and im still a customer of it.
Ciao, sono un ragazzo italiano con la passione per le sigarette elettronica e i vaporizzatori personali. Ho scoperto Gearbest qualche mese fa tramite un gruppo facebook ed ho visto i prezzi migliori su questi prodotti. Ho provato ad acquistare pochi oggetti, la spedizione veloce più delle mie aspettative, circa 8/10 giorni per l’Italia. I prodotti sono arrivati in ottimo stato e con un buon imballaggio. L’ eshop ha ottimi sconti e promozioni e ottieni punti GB ogni acquisto che puoi usare per ordini futuri. Tutto è andato bene e sono ancora un loro cliente.
I bought a very good smartphone for a great price at GB, along with it’s case and a film screen last year. The only unfortunate was that the film screen arrived broken (probably because of improper courier handling, as it was very good packed).
But their customer support professionals were so helpful! They quickly resolved the issue offering me options for a refund or the same item for free.
I liked their prices so much i had to order a few extra gadgets just the other day!
I highly reccomend Gearbest!
Совершил заказ в магазине gearbest, сразу хочу отметить довольна быструю отправку, на следующий день уже заказ сформирован и отправлен. В посылке содержались разного рода товары как связанные с электроникой так и связанные с одеждой из данного магазина. Что касается электроники это были новые ремешки для легендарного фитнес браслета xiaomi mi band 1s
Один браслет оригинальный оранжевый качество не плохое, два других не оригинальных так же в индивидуальных упаковках хорошего качества один с цветным принтом другой плетеный
Защитное стекло для телефона xiaomi mi max в индивидуальной упаковке в комплекте: салфетки, наклейки для пылинок и само стекло тонкое но прочное
В посылке содержалось так же женское платье качество материалов и исполнение соответствует описанию
В целом магазином доволен, отличная поддержка клиентов до и после покупки
products at great prices, discounts and offers always new, kindness, accuracy and professionalism
Покупаю в GearBest уже более 2-х лет… (я не “шопоголик” – так, для себя/родных/друзей)
Есть, конечно, “нюансы” (как у любого(!) Инет-магазина), но ПЛЮСов гораздо больше!
Бывает, что цена, на тот или иной товар, чуть выше, чем в других Е-магазинах, но у постоянных клиентов накапливаются GB-поинты, а ними можно оплатить до 30% стоимости товара! (поинты часто раздают на каких-то акциях, при регистрации, за обзоры на купленные товары…)
Например, мультиметр HYELEC MS8232 обошелся мне всего в 8.15$! (такой цены точно нигде нет!)
Также радует БЕСПЛАТНАЯ и БЫСТРАЯ (12-17 дней) доставка в Украину!
Всем МИРа, ДОБРА и приятных покупок!
Buy most of my Vape-Stuff and some other things at Gearbest since i heared the first time from this Shop. My first order is nearly 2 years ago and i like the shop all the Time
Products are in good quality, Service is top, Prices are cheap. In Case of Problems the Support is really helpful.
Sometimes i wish me some more Shipping-Options for Choosing, but most of what Gearbest offers is ok – only Netherland Post for Vape Stuff is not so good.
In all i can recommend Gearbest without exception