2.5/5   (based on 6 user reviews)

FancyLadies.com offers wedding & events, women’s clothing, accessories, beauty & health, home & garden and girly electronics, etc.

FancyLadies.com is an online ultimate fashion destination where you can find over 5000+ women stuffs aimed at fashion forward. FancyLadies specializes in Wedding & Events, Women’s Clothing, Accessories, Beauty & Health, Home & Garden and Girly Electronics. FancyLadies is a Hong Kong based company with warehouse, customer service centre and QC department located in the neighbor city of Shenzhen.

Contact Information:


Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Tel: N/A

Payment Methods: PayPal, Western Union

Shipping Methods: DHL, UPS, EMS

Domain Name Register Date: 2011-05-10

Hot, 50% Off Two Piece Halter Triangle Top Tie Side Bikini Swimwear@fancyladies.com
End Date: NEVER

All Customer Reviews (9)

  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by april on January 8, 2014 #

    I have tried calling them the number that they have online the guy is rude he don’t know anything I’ve been sending emails to them no one haven’t responded they Say will respond and 24 to 48 hours this is horrible service the money was already taken out of my account they said its processing and I still haven’t received my shipment( 248)547.7736

  • 3/5
    (3/5) Reviewed by Brookie on November 19, 2013 #

    Ive just ordered 5 bridesmaid dresses and a flowergirl dress.Money has come out but i never got any email from them to confirm my order.Ive tried emailing them and sending them messages but they dont respond……has anyone else had this problem??? 2 of my friends have used them before and never had a problem.Fingers crossed my dresses turn up argggghhh

    • Replied by ahhhhhh on November 26, 2013 #

      yes! i have had that problem! i have sent numerous order inquiries without response, and have left 2 messages that haven’t been returned. On my most recent call to them, I got an automated voice saying the number is no longer working..what the heck?! Money came out of my account over a month ago when I placed my order, but my account on the site continues to say my order has a status of “processing”. I’m getting super frustrated!

  • 4/5
    (4/5) Reviewed by segments on October 27, 2013 #

    I bought a corset online, there was some mishap with my tracing number, and it took a while to arrive, but the product was great, looks exactly like it did in the picture. Rather satisfied.

    • Replied by jaimie on November 5, 2013 #

      hi segments..
      im having trouble reaching fancyladies.com..
      how did you reach them with any questions about your order?
      its good to hear that you received it eventually..

  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by Sha.Goo on October 12, 2013 #

    FancyLadies is such a scam! I spent $60 on a corset that does not exist.

    My first impression of FancyLadies was that they had a decent quality product for a great price. I thought that the website looked safe and respectable…wrong.

    A few days after making my purchase I had received an email stating: “Notification from Fancyladies: You have a fresh message about your ticket #(there was a series of numbers here) from Fancyladies by Customer Service. You may check this newly reply by logging your personal account.” HOWEVER, I did NOT have a personal account with FancyLadies. The order I had placed was checked out as a guest. I thought that this was clearly incompetence and a spam email, just trying to get me to register to their website. I, unfortunately, had to fall for the little ploy again and signed up to FancyLadies. When I signed up, there was no “message” to be found. Shocker. I then proceeded to attempt to contact the customer service department. To send the message to customer service I was told to enter my order number. I entered the number codes given to me in emails from FancyLadies. Neither of the numbers worked, and the website told me that the specific order number does not exist. Why did I not yet have a working order number when my purchase was made an entire week prior? How was I supposed to track my order (assuming it existed)? When would I even receive my order? Why did I receive an email about a notification that did not even exist?

    I tried to email them about the problems, but I never got a response. AND I am out over $60!!
    …Can you tell I am still angry?

    • Replied by Sha.Goo on November 18, 2013 #

      Guess I have to put my foot in my mouth this time. I was pretty angry when I wrote that but I did eventually receive my product. Customer service was awful, but product was actually great.

  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by Krista on December 17, 2012 #

    I ordered leggings for a December 22nd party mid October. After 13 emails back and forth with “Coffee” I was told Friday that my order had not been processed and would “process soon”. I was told this multiple times. DO NOT ORDER FROM THESE PEOPLE! I am now without the item I have been planning for this party for the past 8 weeks. I honestly wonder if this company is even legitimate. We’ll see if I ever get a refund. I’m not going to let them keep my money because it is a “system problem” and “did not process”. What a nightmare.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Miclin on October 27, 2012 #

    I was very anxious about purchasing my dress online from china bit i did it anyway. it arrived a few weeks later and it fit me perfectly. It looked great on and the color was lovely. I am very pleased with my purchase. And what a great price!

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