If you are a women obsessed with novelty bags, the cool business suit shaped bag with a cross-body chain strap at Romwe.com may interest you. I feel in love with this creative handbag upon the first sight of it. It should look fabulously amazing to go for a lovely cocktail dress. I also believe that it could be a great bag for an office outfit.
Made of vinyl, the business suit shaped bag for women is not cheap in terms of pricing. It is available at $56.99 with free standard shipping. Just like any other novelty bags for sale at the site, this style is highly limited in stock availability. Now it has only one unit in stock and I am not sure whether the site will source more into its inventory in the future or not. If you really like it and can accept the price, you may need to act fast.
Handbags are not at all a major category of the vintage high street fashion online boutique Romwe.com, but every bag listed there has a unit look and you will find it hard to explore the same or similar style from other Chinese online shops. This explains why the bags at Romwe.com are not low priced.
Besides the business suit shaped bag, Romwe also carries a small collection of novelty bags that come in other shapes, including magazine-shaped bags, square-shaped metallic bags, poker-shape plastic bags, film board shaped bags, pockets shaped bags, bandeau-liked plaid bags and more. Click here to view all creative bags at Romwe.com.
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