4.25/5   (based on 64 user reviews)

Milanoo.com Reviews – Milanoo is a leading company in the Cosplay Costume, Intimate Lingerie, Hand Painted Shoes, Cosplay Wig and Spandex Zentai.

Milanoo is a leading company in the Cosplay Costume, Intimate Lingerie, Hand Painted Shoes, Cosplay Wig and Spandex Zentai. Milanoo also provides the best selection and prices for Maternity Clothing, Pet Supplies, Mascot Costumes and Yoga Supplies.

Milanoo is based in City Chengdu, Sichuan, China and sells products from many different manufacturers all around the country.

Milanoo address:  Qingpi Avenue#319, Cross-Straits Science Park Information Industry Zone, Wenjiang District Chengdu Sichuan China
Milanoo telephone: +86-28-655-541-92

Coupon Code:
Get $5 off on orders over $79 at Milanoo.com. *It does not include already discounted merchandise.
End Date: 2016-09-30

All Customer Reviews (67)

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  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by ro on May 29, 2016 #


    • Replied by ro on May 29, 2016 #


  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by raul on January 21, 2014 #

    Aqui os dejo mi opinión de este fabricante.

    1/ Calidades, pues depende de lo exigente que sea cada uno. Es cierto que uno es realista de los precios que está comprando, por eso completa una cesta de 300€ esperando ya una calidad más bien baja pero cumple llenar armario con ropa ponible a diario… Pues bien, en este aspecto han sorprendido mis bajas espectativas… La mayoria de las prendas, con muchos hilos sueltos, botones semidescosidos, marcas de rayas (que son las encargadas de indicar los ojales) sin hablar de 2 prendas que he tenido que devolver, una pq no tenia cremallera y la segunda con un agujero y las telas (papelillos de fumar)

    Suspenso en este aspecto, es decir para ponerte la mayoria de las prendas, antes debes de retocarlas y/o repasarlas.

    2/ Envio – Además de bastante lento, toda la ropa viene en bolsas encerradas como al vacio, es decir arrugado no, lo siguiente. Te sientes como una pasa en frente del espejo cuando te pruebas.

    3/ Devoluciones – Este sin duda el mayor de los suspensos. En principio te indican que no hay que devolver nada, si es demostrable con fotografías, te hacen el ingreso sobre la marcha. Se las curso, confirman el mal estado de sus prendas y la devolucion del importe de ambas sin mas dilaciones ante lo verosimil. Pues bien 10 días despues, sin informar de nada, me pongo en contacto con ellos nuevamente y ahora tengo que enviar las prendas y esperar un mes para recibir el ingreso…

    En definitiva, MILANOO no esta preparado para el nivel de confeccion de Europa (creanme, los mercadillos los barren en este apartado). Si quieren ver una muestra de su calidad textil, tan sólo tienen que ir a un hiper/chin-chon (cualquier hiper chino), la ropa que hay expuesta es la que manda esta franquicia.

    Espero le haya sido relevante, sinceramente si hubiera leido un comentario así, me hubiera frenado.


    • Replied by MARIAJOSE on January 20, 2015 #

      Yo he comprado varios vestidos y un corsé de los que se llevan por fuera ( no como ropa interior), que en la web se ven preciosos y que en general y siendo objetiva, he de reconocer que están bien, sobre todo por el precio, el problema es , que a pesar de haberme guiado por las medidas que indican, todo me queda estrecho , por lo que no he tenido más remedio que devolverlo. Y ahí , es donde comienzan los problemas y la desesperación. Esta página, a pesar del nombre “ Milanoo”, no tiene nada que ver con Italia, si no con China. Y a pesar de que también te dicen que las devoluciones son sencillas, es totalmente mentira. Tienes que marcar la opción RMA, para que te den un código y la dirección donde tienes que enviarlo ( que todavía y después de varios e mails, no he conseguido). Me han enviado varios correos, que parecen traducidos por google, dándome las gracias por la compra y preguntándome una y otra vez si estoy segura de que quiero hacer la devolución y redirigiéndome una y otra vez al mismo sitio, como en un bucle. Esto es desesperante y lo peor, es que no sé si hay algún sitio oficial, donde pueda reclamar, pues no es una venta on line de España, ni siquiera de Europa y me temo que me han estafado y me voy a quedar sin mi dinero y con unos artículos que no me sirven . Y lo peor, es que antes de comprar y como no me fiaba mucho, entré en un foro y aunque leí alguna opinión como la mía me dejé llevar por opiniones de otras personas que estaban encantadas con el artículo y no tenían que devolverlo. Y al final decidí comprar. Y no sabeis como me arrepiento. Porque además,, el corsé ahora me dicen que no puedo devolverlo. Y entre lo que me tengo que quedar los gastos de envío y los de devolución si al final consigo que me manden los datos para poder devolverlos….No se lo que me quedará, eso en caso de que me lo devuelvan. Así que POR FAVOR, PENSADLO BIEN ANTES DE COMPRAR, PORQUE OS PUEDE SALIR MUY MUY CARO.

  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by Alice on December 8, 2013 #

    They also do not accept any reviews on their site unless they are positive which is extremely dodgy. Stay away.


  • 1/5
    (1/5) Reviewed by Alice on December 8, 2013 #

    At least 90% of the positive reviews on here are fake. Milanoo are known to make shitty quality replicas for obscene prices. Their quality is a joke. Their customer service is non-existant, they ignore any complaints. They create thousands of fake positive reviews and have dozens of other fake sites. Don’t buy from them, they’re a joke and I can’t believe that their site is still up and running.


  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Sneha roxx on September 28, 2013 #

    If you looking for Online fashion web site well probably the best place is milanoo. i’m expressing my personal experience they have a really helpful instant live message service which is very help full to me when i shopping.They are items are very quality and i received my princess dress three days ago with the really good quality. highly recommend this site.thanks milanoo.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Michelle on August 22, 2013 #

    “I ordered a swimsuit and the transaction went fast and smooth. The swimsuit was delivered fast. In fact, it was delivered earlier than I expected. The swimsuit was really the same as the one you see in the picture. It has great quality! Great service and product!”

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Nameless Fashion on August 20, 2013 #

    I recently bought a pair of shoes (it_mi_130820055815_728) and I was so pleased with their quality… they are so comfortable I wanna wear them everyday. Shipping was quite fast considering that I live in Italy and China is very far. I’m sure I will buy again from Milanoo.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by noelani on August 9, 2013 #

    I recently purchased a dress from Milanoo and was very pleasantly surprised with the great quality and detail of the dress! The dress was custom made to my size and fit perfectly. Even though their shipping can be a little pricy, there are always coupon codes that make up for it. I was able to get an extra $25 off my order and shipping was only $15!

    • Replied by Andressa on August 9, 2013 #

      Estou pensando em pedir meu vestido de casamento desse site. O que você me diz da qualidade do vestido? e os acabamentos? Eu moro no Brasil. se puder me mandar fotos meu e-mail é: andressa-colpini@hotmail.com

  • 4/5
    (4/5) Reviewed by dende on August 9, 2013 #



  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Shintaki on August 7, 2013 #

    I’ll order more articles in the future of the store because they have a variety of items for all types of people.
    I have received adequate attention and I like the service

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Gina Flowers on August 6, 2013 #

    Have had nothing but good experiences with Milanoo… unbeatable variety of clothing, at excellent prices. I’ve shopped from them a couple of times and have been very pleased with how quickly my orders arrived… will definitely shop with them many more times!

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Latica on August 5, 2013 #

    I am a regular user of Milanoo and things I like most is their variety of collections and shipping process. I have used many times and I will recommend it to those who are going through these reviews.
    Enjoy shopping with milanoo.

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Lipsy on August 1, 2013 #

    My Floral Maxi from Milanoo Order number en_mi_130626212655_042 fits to prefection.Its very real as per description and is ture to its colors and descritption on size.It comes with a belt to define the waist.It has a soft shiny silk material outside and a prefect full lenght lining inside.Must buy product

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Marla on August 1, 2013 #

    I just received a pair of beautiful shoes from Milanoo and I love it so much. The color is delightful and so pretty. The quality is great and the shipping was fast. The best packaging with a magnetic pin always makes me happy!

  • 5/5
    (5/5) Reviewed by Lucija on July 28, 2013 #

    I also ordered little black dress from milanoo. Its great,perfect for summer. You can wear it on evenings or at seaside. it’s order number en_mi_130617052555_164 I love their offer. They always provide you latest trends and their customer service is awesome. I am planning to order candy bang from them and I can’t wait to write review for that item. I hope it will be good for me. Their dlivery is very fast,few days it takes only. It’s not case with other stores,usually you have to wait a long time,but milanoo is super fast. I read some negative reviews,but til now I am satisfied with their offer and items.

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